Training Resources
Our 82-page full-color Moringa Peer Educator training manual is available in 8 languages:
- Arabic
- Chichewa
- English
- French (for West Africa)
- Haitian Creole
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Swahili
Electronic Download – $10
Please note: link to download training manual will be sent to your email within 48 business hours after purchase.
The manual includes:
- Introduction to Strong Harvest and Moringa
- Outline & instructions on how to conduct a 2-day Peer Educator Seminar
- Family/Community Assessment
- Basic Nutrition training
- Record Keeping (with reproducible forms)
- Planting, Pruning, Harvesting, and Eating Moringa
- Water Treatment Process
- Practicals
- Introduction to Economic Opportunities
- 20 pages of nearly language-free training illustrations (our goal is for the manual to be useful to people of all reading abilities)
Become a Peer Educator
Do you travel to or live in areas in which moringa could make a huge difference in the lives of families who are lacking good nutrition, clean water, and adequate income? We can help! We have condensed our two-day field training into a one-day seminar that you can attend in-person at our Vancouver, WA, headquarters, or virtually using free video-conferencing software and a high-speed internet connection. We hold 2 to 3 U.S. Peer Educator trainings per year. If you would like to attend, please see below.
$80 per person (includes training manual)
To see if we have any currently scheduled training seminars, click on the “Register” button below – this is where you’ll find the dates and times.
If none are currently scheduled or if the dates and times don’t work for you, please click on the “Reserve” button below and we’ll contact you when new trainings have been scheduled.
Moringa Products
Energize your life with organic Kuli Kuli moringa superfoods.
Curious as to how moringa stacks up under scientific scrutiny?
There are many delicious ways to add moringa to your daily diet!