No matter what the weather does, no matter what the government does, no matter what the economy does, Strong Harvest’s Moringa Program gives Tanzanian families control over how they meet their most basic needs by creating SUSTAINABLE SOURCES of Good Nutrition, Clean...
Strong Harvest’s volunteer Peer Educators have been making an impact around the world! Peer Educators Jean and Ralph (4th & 5th from the left), with three of our new Peer Educators in Togo. In the past 3 months, Strong Harvest’s volunteer Peer...
Here’s how to make gorgeous, golden oil from moringa seeds: Step 1: Get your buddies together and start cracking and partially shelling your moringa seeds. Step 2: Leaving about half of the cracked shells in with the bare seed kernels, add seeds and...
Help Strong Harvest Train Moringa Farmers in Africa by purchasing Kuli Kuli Moringa Superfood Bars! We’re bringing great health to families in Tanzania! This year Strong Harvest will launch our Peer Educator Program in Tanzania. We’ll train people in both...
A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU who have worked with us this year to bring health and hope to families around the world!!! You have encouraged us, supported us, translated for us, traveled, prayed, laughed and cried with us. And you’ve been every bit as excited...
The men have taken to “cooking for a cause” at the Luz y Vida (Light and Life) Church in Leon, Nicaragua. Each Sunday, one of the men cooks a HUGE pot of soup using his own recipe. He then adds lots of fresh moringa leaves just before the soup is ready to...