Our grassroots community development approach is designed to reach people where they are in their real lives, and can be adapted and tailored to each unique community. Our field workers, who are members of these communities, understand how to uniquely serve them to...
There are many exciting things happening, but we only have the space to share a few highlights. Stay tuned each month to learn about our global team’s awesome work! Empowering Communities Worldwide Tanzania In northern Tanzania, our work continues among the...
For Jean Abou, our fantastic Field Representative in West Africa, moringa has been a part of life from the beginning. As his knowledge of moringa has grown over the years, so has moringa’s importance in his life. Jean recounts, “When I was a child, my mother used to...
For families in developing countries, access to nutritious food, clean water, and sufficient income can be out of reach. In Togo, for example, the statistics are sobering: 22.3% of children are stunted due to malnutrition 35.6% of people lack access to clean drinking...
In our updates, we usually focus on the positive impact that our supporters are creating around the world, but this time, we want to zoom out and discuss the big picture. What are we at Strong Harvest trying to accomplish, and why? The Problem Poverty is a complex and...
The water project in Gelai, Tanzania, is a beautiful example of how people use moringa to holistically benefit their unique communities. Groups of Maasai women, trained as Strong Harvest Peer Educators, created government-recognized savings groups (self-funded...