by Jeri | Oct 8, 2017 | Community Development, Education, Tanzania
We’re building stronger families and healthier communities in East Africa! Hundreds of at-risk children and their families in East Africa will soon have better health through the good nutrition and clean water that moringa brings. We’re excited to share...
by Briana Nowak | Jan 23, 2017 | Community Development, Education, Nicaragua, Strong Harvest News, Water & Food Security, West Africa
2016 was an amazing year for Strong Harvest International! Last year hundreds of people learned how to improve their health, gain access to clean water, and increase their family income – all from the moringa tree, a superfood growing right in their own...
by Jeri | Dec 30, 2015 | Community Development, Education, Nicaragua
This was one of the BEST Strong Harvest trips ever! In early December, we (SHI founders Rick and Jeri, and board member Sue Ellen) headed back to Nicaragua, partnering with Leader a Lider (Leader to Leader) to provide Moringa Peer Educator training in two very...
by Jeri | Jan 18, 2014 | Community Development, Education, Nicaragua
Carolina’s Nicaraguan village – Cristo Rey – is located right across the dirt road from the city dump. This where most of the adults, and even some of the children, make their living as garbage pickers. Many people, especially the children, suffer...
by Jeri | Oct 26, 2013 | Education, Nicaragua
Strong Harvest is really excited to be heading back to Nicaragua next week! You can help us to provide the basics of life – good nutrition, clean water and economic opportunities – to Nicaraguan families through the use of the amazing moringa tree. Your support...
by Rick | Sep 23, 2013 | Education, Nicaragua
We recently received a great report from Nicaragua! Pastor Dolores at Luz y Vida (Light and Life) church and school in Leon sent us the news about how their Moringa Project is going. The Peer Educators that Strong Harvest trained in January 2013 are planting...