Isn’t it fascinating that we will never know the full impact of Strong Harvest’s work? Sure, we get regular reports from our field staff with all the numbers to prove that the knowledge of moringa is spreading, and we collect stories about the amazing impact moringa is having in communities around the world. But even with all that, we know that many people do not report back to us about moringa’s impact in their lives, which is why it is so exciting when it does happen.
We heard back recently from Sally, a Strong Harvest friend connected with Shalom Community Organization in Rubavu, Rwanda. Rick and Jeri trained Jean Paul, leader of Shalom Community, in Tanzania in 2017. Jean Paul took our moringa training and incorporated it into his organization’s community development programs that focus on fighting hunger and malnutrition by teaching people to build highly productive kitchen gardens.

Shalom Community Organization Moringa Project

Sally told us that the project has been steadily growing over the past few years, and Shalom Community Organization is now harvesting moringa regularly and distributing super nutritious moringa powder in the community!
It is exciting when communities embrace the knowledge of moringa and learn how to provide their own healthy, nutritious, and inexpensive food. Through our Peer Educator training, the knowledge of moringa spreads from person to person and community to community, impacting more families than we will ever know!
You can empower families and communities around the world with good health and economic opportunity through the lifechanging knowledge of moringa. Join us!
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More from Strong Harvest:
What is moringa & why does it matter?
Moringa provides great health, increases family income, and protects the environment.
Here are the facts about this “miracle tree”!
Moringa Tree Research
Our website contains links to a wealth of research on the many benefits of moringa.
Dive deeply into moringa studies!