For families in developing countries, access to nutritious food, clean water, and sufficient income can be out of reach.
In Togo, for example, the statistics are sobering:
22.3% of children are stunted due to malnutrition
35.6% of people lack access to clean drinking water
28.4% of people live on less than $2.15 per day
Despite these challenges, Strong Harvest helps families to flourish by providing a simple path to meeting their basic needs!
March 2017 – Atakpamé, Togo
Pastor Kossi Avouyi, and his wife, Ameyovi, were trained as Strong Harvest Peer Educators in Atakpamé, Togo.

Peer Educator Training – Atakpamé, Togo
STEP #1 – Growing Moringa

STEP #2 – Using Moringa

“After the training, I planted trees and my wife made sauce and tea with the fresh leaves that we took morning and evening. For the children, she mixed moringa leaf powder with corn flour to make porridge. And by the grace of God, the whole family is in good health.” -Kossi Avouyi
STEP #3 – Creating Moringa Products
May 2019 – Atakpamé, Togo

Continuing Education Workshop – Atakpamé, Togo
Kossi and Ameyovi learned how to make moringa products, like soap and ointment, at the Continuing Education Workshop in Atakpamé, Togo.

“Right after the training, I formed a group with some of my church members. We started to work together in making these moringa products. Everyone who uses the moringa products is satisfied, with cures of skin diseases and other issues.” -Kossi Avouyi

Here, Kossi and Ameyovi show their homemade moringa products, including Savon Merveille au Moringa (Moringa Wonder Soap).
By August, their family was earning 20,000F ($36) per month by selling homemade moringa products.
STEP #4 – Adapting Moringa Knowledge to Enhance Life

A healthy, happy family!
In June 2023, Kossi and Ameyovi purchased land with the proceeds from their moringa products. Now they can build a house.
They are grateful to Strong Harvest and excited about their future!
Donate today:

Teaches 5 people about moringa & health

Trains a family to sell moringa products for increased income

Provides Peer Educator training manuals for 5 people

A Note from Our Board Treasurer
I have been fortunate to support Strong Harvest as a member of the board of directors for the last 3.5 years. Prior to joining the board, I got to be a part of the amazing work of Strong Harvest on a team trip to Nicaragua in the summer of 2019.
As a nurse, I care deeply about the health of people around the world, as well as the health of our natural environment. Strong Harvest’s work contributes to important improvements in both of these areas. As a tree that grows naturally in many areas of the world where malnutrition is most prevalent, moringa provides powerful health benefits that allow people to live to their fullest potential.
My favorite part of Strong Harvest’s work is their peer educator model. By supporting the work of field representatives in each country and educating members of the local communities to spread the knowledge of moringa, Strong Harvest empowers people to change their own lives as well as to make a difference in their communities. Everywhere Strong Harvest has a presence we see this impact – not only in the spread of knowledge about moringa but also in the many other ways these communities have come together to care for and uplift each other.
The work that Strong Harvest does creates a ripple effect. When you give to Strong Harvest, your gift doesn’t just make a difference for one person, or one family, but contributes to positive change around the globe. A healthier world benefits us all!
Thank you!