Written by Holly Tassi from our partners at Kuli Kuli Foods
Klementine has four children which makes for a very busy life. She lives close to several other families in a small village in Togo. They are a tight-knit community, and while they all have their own houses, they share a common yard and are always there to lend a helping hand.
This was especially true when Klementine’s fourth child was born premature and was so small and weak that the family was not sure if she would survive.
“Gracia was born two months early and I was really scared. Then I remembered my Strong Harvest moringa training where I learned that moringa increases milk production. I started using moringa leaves for my daily tea, and my milk came in strong. Gracia is now a healthy baby!”
Moringa has played a crucial role in this child’s survival. Before Gracia was born, Klementine had completed Strong Harvest International’s moringa training. She learned about basic nutrition, growing and harvesting moringa, and its many benefits. She planted moringa trees in the shared yard near her house, but then didn’t think much more about it. Shortly after Gracia was born, Pastor Moses was visiting the family and saw that the baby was struggling. He reminded Klementine of the many powerful benefits of moringa and she started making tea from moringa leaves and drinking it every day. Soon, she was producing more breast milk for her baby to drink, and very quickly, Gracia started growing strong thanks to the increase in quantity and nutritious value of her mother’s milk.

Klementine continues to grow and eat moringa. She has noticed positive changes for herself and in her children’s health from including moringa in their daily diets. Everyone has been putting on healthy weight and they are able to fight off illness better than ever before. It’s all thanks to the wonderful training done by our partners at Strong Harvest, and to the miracle tree, moringa.
Strong Harvest puts the power of sustainable change into the hands of the people who need it most. They believe that everyone should have access to sustainable sources of good nutrition, clean water, and economic opportunities, while at the same time protecting and caring for the local and global environment.
To make this a reality, they work in partnership with developing-world communities and organizations like Kuli Kuli to provide attainable, sustainable, and generational solutions to the issues of malnutrition, unsafe drinking water, lack of economic opportunity, and land degradation.
Their primary tool is the moringa tree.
The solution really can be as simple as a tree!
Holly Tassi at Kuli Kuli Foods
You can now start enjoying the many benefits of moringa for yourself. Get your moringa products though the Strong Harvest website and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Strong Harvest. www.strongharvest.org/moringa-products We are currently featuring Kuli Kuli’s top quality products, and plan to add others soon.
Thank you! Rick and Jeri and the Strong Harvest Team