Our grassroots community development approach is designed to reach people where they are in their real lives, and can be adapted and tailored to each unique community. Our field workers, who are members of these communities, understand how to uniquely serve them to make the most positive difference.
Diverse Community Development

In West Africa, our Field Rep Jean and his wife Olga are prolific at training communities to lift themselves out of poverty using the Strong Harvest approach.
They train dozens of new Peer Educators every few months as well as follow up with people who have already received training in order to encourage them, deepen their knowledge of moringa, and build their capacity for economic stability.

In the first photo, Olga gives a soapmaking demonstration in Adidome-Tefio.
In the second photo, Jean and Olga provide hands-on soapmaking training in Kognito.

Raymond, our Field Rep in northern Tanzania, has a diverse teaching method. He works with many different types of groups: schools (private and public), church groups, youth groups, village groups, families, and individuals.
Raymond teaches our full curriculum as well as how to make other products like soaps and cleaning supplies for increased income.

Some of Raymond’s many activities in the past few months include: teaching a group of Church of God pastors about moringa (first photo), training 19 new Peer Educators in Sangaiwe village (second photo), and empowering Mr. Mwita to plant moringa seeds at his home in Babati (below).


Strong Harvest founders Rick and Jeri were able to travel to eastern India at the end of last year to meet our Field Partners Gautam and Jaymala.
They witnessed how Gautam and Jaymala work tirelessly to improve the lives of the less fortunate in their communities, continuously promoting the use of moringa for better health and its many benefits with all of the different groups with which they connect.
Gautam oversees 5 schools, so now there are 400 students in rural India eating moringa regularly and learning about its virtues along with their families and community members.
Pictured below, Gautam and students harvest moringa leaves.

Jaymala continues to work with women and girls to improve their quality of life and wellbeing holistically through providing feminine hygiene supplies, reducing the stigma of menstruation, and teaching about moringa.
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