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Learn, Live, Love the World!
Join us to become a Strong Harvest Peer Educator and do your part to love the world!! Strong Harvest is holding a Peer Educator Training day for those who are interested in learning how to train others in Basic Nutrition and the Cultivation and Uses of Moringa. This...
2014 ~ What a fascinating year!
It has been an amazing year for Strong Harvest ~ planting seeds of hope with every Peer Educator trained and every moringa tree planted. As Michael, one of our new Tanzanian Peer Educators, exclaimed, “We should have known about this 10 years ago! We are new people...
More Awesomeness in Tanzania!
Our 3rd and 4th Peer Educator trainings in Tanzania were just as exciting as the first two and yet they were delightfully different. In the town of Katesh, we trained 14 Tanzanians and 16 American Peace Corps Volunteers. It was a blast and everyone was totally...
Tanzanian Peer Educators are AWESOME!
Strong Harvest’s month in Tanzania was better than we could have imagined 4 two-day seminars held in amazingly beautiful and diverse locations 81 new Peer Educators trained from 27 towns and villages all over Tanzania 150 moringa trees planted 2,500 life-changing...
Sustainable Resources for Families in Tanzania
No matter what the weather does, no matter what the government does, no matter what the economy does, Strong Harvest’s Moringa Program gives Tanzanian families control over how they meet their most basic needs by creating SUSTAINABLE SOURCES of Good...
SHI Volunteers Around the World
Strong Harvest's volunteer Peer Educators have been making an impact around the world!Peer Educators Jean and Ralph (4th & 5th from the left), with three of our new Peer Educators in Togo.In the past 3 months, Strong Harvest's volunteer Peer Educators have gone to...