by Rick | Jan 1, 2013 | Nicaragua
Strong Harvest board members got together for a night of assembling 40 Peer educator kits for the training in Nicaragua. Over 2,500 pages of information and illustrations developed by Strong Harvest became 40 peer educator notebooks and 8 large format easel binders...
by Rick | Dec 8, 2012 | Community Development, Nicaragua
The trip is all planned and last details are being finalized – Strong Harvest is going to Nicaragua in January to train 30-40 Peer Educators in nutrition and the cultivation and uses of the amazing Moringa tree. These Peer Educators will then train families...
by Jeri | Sep 29, 2012 | Strong Harvest News
Happy 1st Birthday Strong Harvest!! THANK YOU, EVERYONE, for your support of the Strong Harvest mission and vision to link people to a better life through improved nutrition, clean drinking water and economic opportunities. ALL at the family level! During this busy...
by Jeri | Aug 2, 2012 | Education
We spent an invigorating week in July teaching kindergartners through 5th-graders all about moringa – it was totally fun!! Rick and I were the missionaries at Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Mt. Scott Church of God, in Portland, Oregon. The kids were incredibly...
by Jeri | Jun 10, 2012 | Community Development, India
When we first met Sharin Moznette, the founder of Open Arms India (OAI), in January 2011, and started talking about moringa, we had no idea how far-reaching our conversation would be! Since OAI provides schools, orphanages, clinics and churches for impoverished...