by Jeri | Feb 10, 2013 | Community Development, Nicaragua
Thanks to everyone who made this trip possible!! We held more trainings and met more new friends than we dreamed would be possible in two short weeks. Our Strong Harvest Moringa Peer Educator training was so well-received that we already have requests to return to...
by Rick | Jan 12, 2013 | Nicaragua
A huge Thanks to everyone who made this possible! You are truly making a difference in the lives of others. We will be in Nicaragua starting this week and we’ll be busy with training seminars and making new connections for future opportunities. We’ll keep you...
by Rick | Jan 1, 2013 | Nicaragua
Strong Harvest board members got together for a night of assembling 40 Peer educator kits for the training in Nicaragua. Over 2,500 pages of information and illustrations developed by Strong Harvest became 40 peer educator notebooks and 8 large format easel binders...
by Rick | Dec 8, 2012 | Community Development, Nicaragua
The trip is all planned and last details are being finalized – Strong Harvest is going to Nicaragua in January to train 30-40 Peer Educators in nutrition and the cultivation and uses of the amazing Moringa tree. These Peer Educators will then train families...
by Jeri | Sep 29, 2012 | Strong Harvest News
Happy 1st Birthday Strong Harvest!! THANK YOU, EVERYONE, for your support of the Strong Harvest mission and vision to link people to a better life through improved nutrition, clean drinking water and economic opportunities. ALL at the family level! During this busy...