Nangakwa Olesolyo lives with her husband and four children in a remote village called Kotina in northern Tanzania. In her area, there is no electricity, no running water, and homes are made of stick and dung with a cooking fire in the middle of the floor. Life in...
In July a team of four Strong Harvest volunteers from Vancouver, WA, traveled with founders Rick and Jeri to Nicaragua to spread the moringa love together with our Field Representative, Lesly, and his wife, María. The team trained a new group of Peer Educators, did a...
Written by Holly Tassi from our partners at Kuli Kuli Foods Klementine has four children which makes for a very busy life. She lives close to several other families in a small village in Togo. They are a tight-knit community, and while they all have their own houses,...
Hi Strong Harvesters! We are totally excited to share the news with you about Fritzner, our Country Coordinator in Haiti. He and his wife, Mariejocelyne, have started a moringa business called Grace Park Community Moringa & Gardens. They are creating new jobs in...
We are very happy to introduce our two newest Strong Harvest team members in Tanzania – Raymond Moloka and Laata Mollel. We knew both Raymond and Laata when we lived in Tanzania and we’re very excited for the opportunity to partner with them. They’ve both jumped...