by Jeri | May 3, 2013 | Strong Harvest News
We are receiving requests from around the world for our Moringa Training Seminars, training materials and moringa seeds! Over the past few months we’ve provided on-location Peer Educator trainings in Nicaragua and family training in Mexico, as well as beginning work...
by Rick | Apr 13, 2013 | Community Development, Nicaragua
“My mind lets go a thousand things, like dates of wars and deaths of kings, and yet recalls the very hour- t’was noon by yonder village tower, And on the last blue moon in May- the wind came briskly up this way, crisping the brook beside the road; then...
by Jeri | Feb 10, 2013 | Community Development, Nicaragua
Thanks to everyone who made this trip possible!! We held more trainings and met more new friends than we dreamed would be possible in two short weeks. Our Strong Harvest Moringa Peer Educator training was so well-received that we already have requests to return to...
by Rick | Jan 12, 2013 | Nicaragua
A huge Thanks to everyone who made this possible! You are truly making a difference in the lives of others. We will be in Nicaragua starting this week and we’ll be busy with training seminars and making new connections for future opportunities. We’ll keep you...
by Rick | Dec 8, 2012 | Community Development, Nicaragua
The trip is all planned and last details are being finalized – Strong Harvest is going to Nicaragua in January to train 30-40 Peer Educators in nutrition and the cultivation and uses of the amazing Moringa tree. These Peer Educators will then train families...