Lighting Up Gelai

Lighting Up Gelai

We are thrilled to begin the new year by celebrating the successful completion of another Strong Harvest project in Gelai, Tanzania! Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we connected our Field Representative Laata’s home—which also serves as the Gelai Strong...
More Than We’ll Ever Know

More Than We’ll Ever Know

Isn’t it fascinating that we will never know the full impact of Strong Harvest’s work? Sure, we get regular reports from our field staff with all the numbers to prove that the knowledge of moringa is spreading, and we collect stories about the amazing impact moringa...
Strong Harvest Field Update

Strong Harvest Field Update

There are many exciting things happening, but we only have the space to share a few highlights. Stay tuned each month to learn about our global team’s awesome work! Empowering Communities Worldwide Tanzania In northern Tanzania, our work continues among the...